Travel vaccinations

If you travel to areas where infectious diseases occur which normally do not or hardly appear in The Netherlands you might be at medical risk. Often medical assistance is also less accessible than we are used to here. That is why there is a vaccination advice for various countries outside Europe.

At our GP practice we can give you traveler advice and the most common travel vaccinations. For this you do not have to be registered as a patient at our practice.

Request traveler advice  
To request a traveler advice you have to fill in our travelers vaccination form and submit it at least 5 weeks before departure. After receiving the form we will contact you within 5 working days to let you know if we can be of assistance. If so, an appointment will be made for a consultation in which you receive traveler advice that fits your personal situation. Also further arrangements can be made concerning the administration of any necessary vaccination(s).  
If you already have a (yellow) vaccination booklet you have to bring this with you.

The costs of traveler advice and travel vaccinations are not covered by the Dutch basic health insurance package. If you are additionally insured, you may be entitled to reimbursement. You have to check this yourself with your health insurance company.

  • The traveler advice including the administration of any vaccination(s) is € ..,.. per person. 
    You have to pay this amount in cash or by bank card at the reception. You receive an invoice that you can possibly submit to your health insurance company.  
    If you travel with several people who also need traveler advice, this will cost € ..,.. for the second and subsequent people (rate 2023). 
  • The travel vaccination(s) you have to collect and pay for yourself at the pharmacy.  
    The costs for the vaccination(s) can be calculated at the website Medicijnkosten.

More information  
More information about the travel vaccinations can be found on the website of the LCR (Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum Reizigersadvisering).  
Information from the National Government about traveling abroad can be found on the websites Netherlands worldwide and Government.


Proceed to the travelers vaccination form

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